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Every child at Micklefield is a Scientist! Studying Science is about making sense of the world around us. All children from Nursery to Year 6 are encouraged to question, predict and investigate. Our aim is to develop each child’s sense of excitement and curiosity and to equip them with the scientific knowledge and enquiry skills to build a strong foundation in all aspects of Science.

Science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, vocabulary and enquiry. Pupils thrive on a hands-on approach to Science and so our lessons at Micklefield are highly interactive and enquiry-led. Lessons focus on developing both practical skills and content knowledge. Through working scientifically, pupils access a range of equipment to discover and explain phenomena. We build upon techniques in practical activities across each key stage.

Science lessons are timetabled every week throughout the school year. The children experience a range of topics that encompass Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These topics are based on the programme of study of the National Curriculum. Topics are also enriched to meet the needs and interests of each child, are influenced by current affairs and are deepened through involving experts in our local and wider community.

"Pupils display excellent skills, knowledge and understanding." ISI March 2023

Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 are taught in our Science Lab by a specialist Science teacher. The children in Year 6 are introduced to the Key Stage 3 Senior School Science National Curriculum. 

Pupils throughout the school have the opportunity to further their interest in Science through trips, visits from experts, Science Clubs and other initiatives such as competitions and collaborative topics with other schools.

Science at Micklefield School is fun and we are confident that when our children leave to enter their senior schools, they have been inspired by what they have learnt. When they enter Year 7, they are secure in their knowledge and vocabulary, they confidently ask question and make predictions and have the skills required to work scientifically.