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Friends of Micklefield

Welcome to the Friends of Micklefield (FOM).  The FOM Committee is a group of dedicated parents who organise fantastic social and fundraising events for both children and parents.

All the funds raised go directly back iParents FOMnto the School, benefiting our wonderful children.

Over the years, FOM have provided valuable resources such as playground equipment, microscopes, a large screen and projector in the school gym, cricket nets, a traversing wall in the playground, and even microphones.

Popular events organised by the FOM have included the Christmas Fair, energetic School Discos, a Quiz & Curry night for parents, after-school movies, a Summer Ball, and the summer fair event, called Micklefest! These events bring joy and excitement to everyone whilst raising funds for important School projects.


The FOM Committee form a supportive and enthusiastic team:

Anna Baker – Chair & Secretary
Tess Harlock - Vice Chair
Nina Skinner & Madeline Stockstad  – Treasurers
Emma Marks, Lizzie D’Andrea, Cait Azali, Anna Stone, Larissa Howes and Tamsin Kirk - Committee Members

The Committee is always delighted to welcome new parents to join them.  If you would like to be part of the FOM Committee, learn more about their initiatives, or share event ideas, please don't hesitate to get in touch or attend one of their meetings. Meetings are held on Tuesday mornings, directly after drop-off. The FOM also appreciates parent helpers for specific events, so if joining the Committee isn't feasible for you at the moment, your volunteer support is always valuable.

It was an absolute pleasure to help run the FOM Christmas fair. It's the first opportunity I have had to spend any considerable time with and meet the children from across all of the different year groups and I was absolutely blown away by how well behaved, polite, kind and considerate all the children were.  A real credit to the school." Parent

Please contact the team at:


Please book events using the following link:
